Friday, December 9, 2011

The future of Education!

After watching 3 very funny '80's(assuming) movies on the classroom of the future, it made one think of not only were they not far off, but of what my classroom of the future would look like. First off, in todays classrooms across the nation, teachers and students alike can interact via webcam or any number of devices. This allows a teacher to teach class to a roomful of students in another town, or hundreds of miles away! similiar to the teacher in the movie interacting with the student sick at home.

Second, we see in public schools and other enviorments, the use of voice recongition and sythesis programs. These tools espescially hope those with physical disibilities that dont have the ability to manually type or function a computer. Similiar how the sick boy simply gave his computer commands to help him find his history topic.

Last, the use of databases, videos, and network sharing, all are at our fingertips today. The pair of students shared information back and forth simply with the push of a button. Along with advanced databases to search topics and videos in helping them with their homework.

The classroom of my future will only get bigger as students become more and mroe tech savvy entering their public education. Not only will technology become smaller and more accesible, but faster and smarter as well. The ability to expand ones knowledge without ever stepping foot into a physical classroom or shake a real teachers hand will become the norm. Students will interact more and more through the Internet and networking, then in real life. Technology will allow better ways to learn for student in rural areas to develope skill sets they wouldnt of had had access to previously. Technology will only advance and better eduaction as it grows bigger and better in the future.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Assistive Technology in the classroom.

Describe the ALL tools and types of technologies introduced in the videos and explain how they changed the lives of the individuals that use them.

In watching these videos, the viewer is able to participate in the lives of several students with mental and physical disabilities. Due to these handicaps, many students in America's education system today cannot access technology to allow them to learn. In these videos, through their schools and organizations, these students were given specially equipped laptops and computers to not only aid them in learning, but allow them to thrive in learning.

These technology aids include voice recognition software to help those students with physical disabilities that cant type or write. This software allows students to navigate through computer screens, as well as type papers orally. This example is a fantastic leap for those students that are mentally capable to succeed in the classroom but lack the physical abilities to do so.

Another example of AT technology in the classroom is the use of technology engineering for those interested in music. Through the use of mechanized cells that push horn keys up and down for a disabled student, allowed him to play as well as those with full functioning limbs and digits. Modern day engineering and technology help disabled students flourish through motorized wheelchairs, laptops, cell phones etc... The classroom of the future will allow ADA students to succeed through these tools that can cater individually to their personal disabilities and allow them to succeed and advance in their educational goals.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Video Games in the Classrom???

How could a teacher incorporate video games into their classroom? While video games can be fun and entertaining, can they be educational? Chris Haskell got me to thinking about this and they answered is a most defiantly YES!

Video games especially the motion captioned one (kinect, WII) can be very helpful in teaching. Not only are these obvious PE classroom appropriate, but several other approaches as well. Science classes could discuss physics and gravity with several of the kinect games where your body is the controller and the game involves breaking boxes and or several different types of movement.
Games in general can allow students of different learning styles to have the options and fun to learn the way that helps them the most. The main point here is that they LEARN, and not just play. While video games in the classroom can drastically help some students, I realize it can also Distract students in the same way.

Several games for all consoles are available that test students observation skills, puzzle solving,critical thinking, reflexes both manually and mentally etc...I remember being in middle school and hated typing until my teacher introduced me to a typing game on the internet that not only was fun, but eventually made me a great typer! Video games can offer several opportunities for teachers to expand their classroom.